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Waitaha Valley Trip

Updated: Aug 25, 2021

June 14th 2019

The Waitaha River is between Harihari and Ross on the West Coast of NZ. The previous day we learnt about plans to create a power scheme on the Waitaha river so we went on a field trip to learn more about this controversial location. We ran/walked to Morgan Gorge along an old access track. The track obviously doesn't get much use and a lot of time was spent climbing up steep cliffs with big tree roots, or climbing across the face of a waterfall because the track had been washed away by the river. It was a great day out, with lots of time spent on our feet. By the end of the day everyone was pretty shattered and it showed us a great example of a hidden gem on the West Coast, and learnt why we should preserve locations like this for future generations.

*click the arrows to scroll through the photos

Weather: Blue skies, high cloud, light winds, cool temperature.

Participants: The whole COE group was involved on this trip however we split into two groups. In our group was myself, Abby, Sam, Tama, Jacob, Jason, Siobhan, Josh, Tim, Chad, Daymo, and Zac was our tutor.

Duration: 9hrs

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